Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Surgery Update

For those who know me and for those whom it may concern, I have surgery on my eyes on March 4th. I was diagnosed with Ocular torticollis. When I tilt my head one eye looks straight, while the other eye looks the other way. To correct this, I tilt my head so both of my eyes are lined up correctly. But now I am going to have surgery on my eyes, so I don't have to tilt my head anymore. The surgery is going to correct that,and I also have strabismus, which is a condition where the eye muscle is too strong causing my other eye to turn, and my surgery is going to correct that as well.

For those who don't know me, I was born with an Cleft lip and Cleft palate. I had many surgeries before since I was a baby and up till now. I had recent surgeries on my lip, nose, and jaw. The most recent one was the jaw; my orthodontist thinks that I would need another surgery on my jaw though, because my bite isn't straight, and they need that corrected so he can do more orthodontic work. So I might have another Jaw surgery, coming up (which there be update on that soon).

My family and I would really appreciate it if you keep us in your prayers!! Pray that my surgery would go well, and that Gods hand will be on us through out this time, and of course pray for my upcoming surgeries as well.

Tabitha Reilly

Ps. Please, leave some comments on my blog, you can comment on what your thoughts are about my blog or leave some instructive criticism about what you think I would need to change, or some idea's of some other topics you would like me to discuss. Thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry about the upcoming ordeals but I am glad that you are going to be able to have these surgeries to help you function ya miss ya!
