You're beautiful scars are many
Your hands made them bleed
They tell a story of painful memories
That seem to never end
And I wish I could make the pain stop
But only time it will mend
You have to fight...
You have to try...
Oh I know you are strong
Please don't let them win
Don't give in
I wish I could heal the pain that you feeling now
But it is too much I can bear
To see your Beautiful scars
Is like watching you die
I wish I can tell you everything is going to be alright
But I know it is not...
And all I can do is to tell you to fight...
'Cause the pain in side is tearing you apart
It beats you down...
But you have to remain strong
You can overcome this bitter rain
Victory is yours in the One
Could I make you see that...
He is the mender of all wounded hearts
His heart was pierced by a sword
Blood and water flows out
His battle cry is the ending of his life
But when he rises
The dead will see...
And they shall live...
Will you pick up your sword and fight?
Please don't be scared
I know it is hard...
But it will get easier I promise
'Cause I am a lesser known
Who fought her fight
And is fighting now...
'Cause I'm not giving in...
I'm not giving up
Come pick up your sword...
Don't give in...
Your beautiful scars
Are reminders of Him
And He will carry you through
If you trust Him to...
This is a poem I dedicated to a dear friend of mine. She was a girl I was ministering to, when I was involved in the group "to write love on her arms". I'm not part of the group anymore, I found out that I needed to help myself, before I could take part in a big ministry like that. I found out that I wasn't ready to be apart of an ministry right now, because I had to take care of my own emotional needs and it was also getting in the way of my focus on my studies. Cadence (though it is not her real name) is the girl in this poem, she is a girl who cuts herself because she is hurting so bad. She tells me that her family doesn't care for her and that her father abuses her. And she doesn't believe in God because, he hasn't answered her prayers or delivered her from this pain, nor has she sought help from other professionals.
But this poem is me telling her to be strong and fight, to not give up...and to trust in God, because even though He may be silent, I believe that somehow...in a strange way God used me to tell her that he is still there and is still fighting for her. Though, I wouldn't say God wanted me to be a part of a ministry like "to write love on her arms", because he said in his word that he wouldn't let us go through something that he knew that we couldn't handle, and right now I couldn't handle taking part of a ministry like "to write love on her arms", at least not now.
Maybe if God willing he would let me return to this ministry or take part of another ministry, in the future. But right now I think God wants me to read in his word and to continue strengthening my own relationship with him. When I was involved in "to write love on her arms", the pain of the girls I was ministering to was overwhelming, and I couldn't take it in, I was still experiencing pain from my own family problems; though my family is doing alot better now, I still sometimes find it hard to let go of the pain...and that's why I couldn't be apart of this ministry. I have to let go of my own pain and heal, before I begin to minister to other wounded girls, 'cause if I stayed, my emotions would get in the way and I wouldn't be able to help them. These girls need professional help, people that would help them get through this pain and heal, and I feel I was just getting in the way. I am still ministering to Cadence though, but I am not going to be too much involved, I'm just going to be a friend and be there for her and encourage her to seek help. I think that is what God wants me to do right now.
Whoever reads this I would really appreciate it if you keep Cadence and the other girls in your prayers. And if you are a girl like Cadence, I encourage you to seek help, check out the ministry "to write love on her arms" () there are alot of caring people that are involved who would love to help you. I also encourage you to not give up and to keep fighting, you are strong, and you don't have to suffer this life alone. I love you guys!!
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