Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Jesus Painter

This is a video of another artist, he is a painter known as the Jesus Painter. He is an amazing painter, I saw him live at church once. He painted a picture, though I don't remember what it was called. I think it is amazing how people could use art to glorify God, I love that!!! I want to live my life to glorify God, I hope He would use my future career to be a nurse to glorify Him. I want to encourage anyone who would be reading this to glorify God in everything you do, whether it is small like just simply doing your homework, or being active in school by reaching out to students for Christ; or big things like being on a mission field in an other country or just starting a ministry here in America.

You can go see some of his painting at his website:

1 comment:

  1. "The more I live I see this life is not about me..." :-)
