Thursday, February 18, 2010

Some Will Seek Forgiveness While Others Escape: by Underoath

This is an amazing song, the music video has pictures from the Passion of Christ video. When ever I see the crucifixion, it makes me want to cry; sometimes and can't even look upon seeing my savior being crucified, even though it is just an actor acting out the role of His crucifixion. It is amazing what God did on the still breaks me...

Who ever is reading this...please don't, DON'T take what God did for you on Calvary for granted. I'm serious guys, what He did, we don't deserve, but he loved us sooo much that He just had to do it, there was no other way...but you know what? He is alive, He is sooo very much alive!!! And He conquered sin and death for us...who are we to doubt His love for us??

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to condemn you...I am guilty of this too, I have doubted God so many times...some times I get sooo mad God that I wish that "He and the devil would just leave me alone..." but He won't...He is not like that...He is not the one to just leave and forsake you, He is waiting for you to notice Him. His arm are still open wide...

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