Friday, March 05, 2010

Surgery Update #2

Hey guys, many of you all should know from my last blog I wrote I told you guys that I was going to have surgery on my eyes on March 4th. I only had surgery on my right eye thus far, if my eye still continues to have problems, we are going to possibly see about having surgery on my left eye. I am feeling alot better now since my surgery, my eye is really read and watery, but other than that I am doing alot better. I am taking these I drops called Tobramycin and Dexamethasone Ophthalmic, it is an antibiotic that prevents any infection in my eye. Yesterday I rested alot, and now I'm up and doing things.Though I shouldn't say that I'm quite ready to do my school work and any other normal activities, my eyes is still very watery and is a little blury. I think I'll wait awhile before I start my normal activities. So anyways, I just want to thank you for all who read this blog and prayed for me, I really appreciated your prayers...thank you. I love you all!!! :)


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