This summer I started on a project. My dad had given me a box that he made when he was eight years-old, and I decided to clean it up and put wood stain on it. The box was worn out and dirty from being in our garage to long. My dad had used it as a tool box, where he kept his old tools. But the box hadn't been used in a long while, and so I asked my dad if I could have the box. So he let me have the box, and then I started cleaning it up and polishing it. I finished the box today and now it is in my room. I was going to use it to keep treasure,things that meant a lot me.
To me the old beaten-up box was a piece of treasure itself. It was a work of art, made by my father when he was a child, and cleaned up and polished by me. It says in Genesis 1:1 that, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"; and in Genesis 1:26 God said, "let us create man in our own image..." To God we are a work of art something that's "fearfully and wonderfully made" (psalms 139: 14)! Isn't that amazing!!!
Though, the only difference is that we weren't a beaten-up dirty box. Then again, we were, 'cause when you think of it this way... when man sinned and turned away from God, sin separated us from God. And that made us beaten-up and dirty from our own sins. But Christ died while we were still sinners. In Isaiah 1:18 it says "Come now and let us reason together", says the Lord, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." God made us CLEAN!!! By Christ dying for us on the cross, we were made clean and our sins were tossed on the ocean floor. He did that for us while we were still sinners, but through Jesus Christ we are made righteous!!
I thank God my Creator for making me fearfully and wonderfully made, and I also thank Jesus Christ for dying for my sins and making me clean. God can make you clean too if you let him. He loves you sooo much!! All you have to do is confess that He is God and believe that Christ died and rose from the dead, and ask Him to forgive your sins. And he will make you clean. But that doesn't mean you can go back to your old ways, God calls us to be set apart from the world, to reflect Christ in all that we do. Though there is going to be trials and tribulations, but God gives us the strength to overcome through Victory in Christ.
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