Thursday, at my college, it was the International Education Day, where college students set up booths and share different things from different countries around the world. One of the countries was China, the booth had papers that had info about different Chinese zodiac's. For those who were like me when they saw on their profile a Chinese Zodiac, and had no idea what it was, I'll give you a short definition.
A Zodiac is an origin of astrology. For years, astrology has played a significant role in Chinese Culture. The Zodiac is a depiction on a Chinese calendar of 12 different animals. The animals represent the 12 year cycle of the Chinese lunar calendar, which was built on the foundation of astronomy, and Chinese astrology.
When a Chinese girl at the booth asked me what year I was born, she gave me a paper that showed my Chinese Zodiac. So now I know what a zodiac is and I have the meaning of my Chinese zodiac. My zodiac was a snake, I personally wished it was a horse though. Anyways, according to what the paper says about my zodiac it says that whoever is born on the year of 1941-2001(I am born in 1989), they are intelligent people, graceful, and materialistic. They don't jump into situation, and they are effective at getting what they want. They also say that we are excellent seducers. We are the ones who decide when a relationship has potential and when it does not. We are very insecure, jealous, and obsessive. It is important that no one betrays ones trust or they will seek revenge.
Remember We are being compared with an snake, these are the snake's personalities. I don't agree with my zodiac, it kinda makes me wonder what they say about the horse. I am not persuasive, and I am definitely not a seducer, or obsessive. Although the Bible says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I don't think I am attractive. Those who know me, know that I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't really remember when was the last time a guy was attracted to me. Don't get me wrong though, I do believe in what the Bible says about me. And I am working on not worrying about what people think about me, because of my birth defect and my pimples. In fact, I am a lot better at that, I hardly care what people think about my appearance. Besides I am not in a dating relationship, I want to pay more attention to my studies. I think having a boyfriend, can be distractive, so I prefer to wait till maybe after college, or when I get my schedule in order.
And for the part that says that I am effective at getting everything I want, that is not true. I don't always have my own way, in fact, I rather keep it that way. I want to try to not think entirely about myself and what I want. I want to think about others and be a blessing in their lives. I rather give than receive, like helping those who are in need.
I am not vengeful, at least I am not perfect, and I try not to be that way. The Bible says that vengeance belongs to God. The bible says that it is important for a Christian to have the mind and attitude of Christ. I try to reflect Christ, by having the right attitude towards people, and to not hold a grudge against anyone and be forgiving. but it is hard to be that way,like I said I am far from perfection. But that's when you ask God to help you, to give you self control\and self discipline. That's when you let God love through you, 'cause He is the only one who can truely love unconditionally and who can forgive and take away your sins.
There are a few things, I admit, that I agree with, I like to think of myself as someone who is intelligent and smart. The thing that really makes my day is having a sense of accomplishment. it always makes you feel good when you succeed at something. Anyways, I'm afraid, I have to wrap things up, it is now 10: 48, and I still have a lot of Homework I need to do tomorrow. so I have to get ready for bed. Good night, I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Love,
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