Friday, April 16, 2010

It will get easier

You said, If you just trust me
It will get easier
Let me calm your sea
Let me fight by your side
And give you strength to overcome
Life is hard I know
But you don't have to fight alone
Just trust me

And I find it hard to surrender
Surrender doesn't come naturally to me
To trust in someone I can't see
Would be so Crazy
It would be easier to give up
To give up all my dreams
But what would it make me?

You said don't be afraid
I have plans for
Not to hurt you but to give you hope
To give you strength to press on
Don't look back but look straight ahead
For you have a future yet to come
Waiting for you to take hold of your prize
Hold on to your goal and keep running the race
Oh don't give up
keep your eyes on the goal

Who does that?
Who gets beat down over and over again?
Who just gets back up and keep running?
Who fails but brushes the dust off they're feet and press on?
But I have come to realize that when you fail
And don't try, and just give in and through away the prize
You won't learn from you mistakes
But you continue to fail
And it leaves you have nothing
You are nothing

But if you falter and yet press on
Your flame will burn out bright
When you hold your torch high
So I'll keep running the race
No matter what the cost
I will win my prize
And just maybe...
I realize it will get easier

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