Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Don't Give Up!

For my ASL class I had to interact with deaf people and write an essay about my experience. I emailed my old ASL high school teacher, and asked her if she knew of any deaf events. She told me that she was signing in a Christmas program at her church with people who are deaf and some hearing people are signing with her too. She also said that they are practicing on Tuesdays and Saturdays, so yesterday I went to her practice for the program. She introduced me to an deaf man, and I interviewed him.

I have to be honest, at first--I didn't want to go, because I felt that I wasn't ready, and that I wasn't comfortable with my signing. I mean, I was just learning and I hardly don't even know how to communicate in sign language very well. But I think I did pretty fine, my old sign language teacher helped me. And plus I felt pretty comfortable talking to this guy, because he reminded me of my grandfather some how.

Sam, the guy I interviewed, really encouraged me last night, and I am grateful for that. He told me to not give up. At first, earlier yesterday, I told my sister that I was really concerned about my ASL class. I wasn't doing well in that class, I got B's and C's on my tests, which isn't a really bad grade, and I got D's and F's on my quizzes. And my teacher doesn't look at my homework or even go over it, and it was hard for me. I did have an ASL tutor, and that helped a lot. But I was still concerned about the class, I feared that--What if I don't pass? Then I 'd fail, get an F for a grade, and have to take the class all over again. But just hearing Sam say that--don't give up, it really brought hope that maybe I would pass the class, with at least a C.

That also gave me the strength to keep going and to keep my eyes on the goal. And, that's what I want to encourage you tonight. If you are struggling in your high school/or college class, or even at your job; I want to say the same thing that Sam told me--Don't give up! Keep your eyes on the goal. Don't quit running the race, you got to finish that race, holding your torches high. You can do it, I believe in you, and most of all, God believes in you. For in the Bible it did say that he is your confidence, your strength in your weakness. So, today I encourage you--please don't give up, 'cause God hasn't given up on you. This life is a race worth winning, when you know that you have a strong God by your side. I encourage you to put your trust in Him, because He loves you with no end. He fought for you, I just want to ask you, is it worth it to do same for Him? I love you guys, and I hope someone will read this someday and be encouraged.

Philippians 4: 13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Galatians 6: 9
Let's not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not give up.

2 Timothy 4: 7
I have fought the fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

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