Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Surgery Update #3

Hey guys, I don't know whose reading this, but I thought I'd announce that my next surgery is coming up soon. Those who know me and those who have read my latest updates on my blog, know that I've had alot of surgeries do to my birth defect. I was born with a cleft lip and palate. And I had alot of surgeries on my lip, palate, nose, and Jaw.

Well I'm going to have another surgery on my jaw. I've had a jaw surgery before, but the last jaw surgery was to pull my upper jaw forward because it was a little to far back. This jaw surgery is going to be also on my upper jaw, but this time they are going to try to fix my bite because my bite is out of place, and they wanted to correct that. I wont be wearing a halo like I did on my last jaw surgery, so that is good.

My surgery is going to take place at the Arnold Palmer Hospital. My parents have scheduled a surgery, though we don't know when the surgery is going to take place, we're still waiting for a call from the surgeon. We are trying to Schedule the surgery in early August so that way I won't have to miss to many days that I have to go to college which starts at the end of August. I'll be staying in the hospital one day, and then I'll get to go home. I'll have to be on a liquid diet for about to weeks, then I'll be able to go back to a solid diet.

If any of you have any questions or concerns you are free to leave a comment or email me. And to those who prayed for me on my last surgery, I want to thank you--my family and I really appreciate your prayers. Thank you!!

Tabitha Reilly

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